
The Relatively Unconventional
吴璨 and I making dumplings at her 婆婆’s home. Me ice skating in China during the summer. After a normal breakfast of oatmeal, corn, and...

Beefing Up Your Language Arsenal
吴璨 and I Outside the Wanda Plaza Today was a sunny day, which is always a good sign. It may be Friday the thirteenth, but no worries. 吴璨...

Corn, Kung Fu, and Observations
A cup of tea and a bunch of grapes is a nice way to end a long day. I ate corn for breakfast. Coming from the South, corn is certainly...

Organizing Books at the Suangliu Library Group Photo of the NSLI-Yians, Other Students, Children, and Teachers Today, after a normal day...

Welcome to America... in China
Heading to the U.S. Consulate in Chengdu Today I had two new awesome and amazing experiences. The first was going to the U.S. Consulate...

Gao Kao Before the Real Gao Kao
Twenty-nine Americans in China trying to do King Fu. Yes, I know it’s a little funny and a little awkward. Part two of our Kung Fu...

Cultural Excursion to 黄龙溪 (Huáng Lóng Xī)
The Entrance to 黄龙溪 These guys were cooking noodles. The guy in the left would throw the noodles into the water, and the guy in the right...