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  • Writer's pictureHalden Levin

Once Upon a Time...

...a little dragon was born.

Hiya! Let me cut to the chase. My name is Halden, and I am Little Dragon. This year I applied to the National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y), a foreign exchange scholarship program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, for the summer program in China. When I initially applied for NSLI-Y, I never expected that I would actually be chosen for this awesome opportunity, but after writing essays, having my first interview, and filling out many forms, I was accepted. This blog, "Little Dragon's Journey," is going to be all about my adventures in China, specifically Chengdu, China in the Sichuan province. You may be wondering, "Why Little Dragon?" I've got answers. I was born January 10, 2002, making my Chinese zodiac sign a snake. Snakes are like smaller versions of dragons and are considered to be symbolic of good luck and honor. As I travel in China, I will be Little Dragon in hopes of honoring those I meet and new cultural aspects I encounter.

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