
Floral Patterns and Lotus Blossoms
Here are some beautiful lotus blossoms we saw. This is a picture of a lotus flower I was given as a gift and all the other floral...

Today I Met “Devil”
Here’s a picture of Chandler, another awesome NSLI-Yian, and I at the track. If your wondering why I look so red in the face, it’s...

Getting in the Grove
First home-cooked Chinese meal: a fish swimming in soy sauce, chicken stir-fry, and one of my favorites, eggs cooked with tomatoes. Above...

Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes
Above is my pretty stellar panda with a pretty stellar background. Today, I felt a like all eyes were on me. On my way to class, I could...

Be Our Guest!
Heading to Chengdu from Beijing at last. Don’t let the Shanghai newspaper fool you. A warm welcome from The Experimental School of...
Heading to Chengdu?
Today we’re heading to Chengdu, or so I thought. In the morning, we had another delicious breakfast and more orientating. For lunch we...

我们在长城走路了 (We Walked on the Great Wall of China)
Big group photo with all the NSLI-Y scholars heading to Chengdu, China and the Chinese AFS staff. Me at the Great Wall part one. Me at...