
Another Reason to Say Thank You
The gorgeous 旗袍 from my host mom. During afternoon class today, we discussed the differences between America and China in Chinese of...

Running, Notebooks, and No Spice
Hot pot take two. I love running for many reasons. Running helps me stay strong and become stronger. Running helps me think and be...

Knot too Difficult?
Walking in to the new community. My Chinese knot. Knot the best. Before class, we were given subway cards. I feel like its a little late...

Iconically Chinese: Seeing the Cutest Chinese Ambassadors
A big panda bear licking his lips. Taking pictures of the red pandas. Group photo in front of the Panda Research Base. Red pandas eating...

The Russian Nesting Dolls of Community Levels
Us trying to look like Kung Fu masters. Close up on my Kung Fu attempts. Exciting update! My host sister, 吴璨, is going to be a peer tutor...

Living the Insider Life
吴璨, her friends, Chandler, and I at the Chengdu Museum. Chinese shadow puppet that looks like a person or fish thing. This morning, my...

Just Another “Normal” Day
Potato and I chilling with 吴璨. This picture is actually from the day before. First movie I’ve seen in China was Skyscraper, which is 99%...

A Beautiful Girl
The gift I was given from a beautiful girl. In Chengdu, for the most part, every weekday morning, around 8:00 am, I go for a run. More...

Getting a Taste of Traditional Culture
This is the entrance to the old people’s home. It’s quite a big place. Here’s a picture of the some of the women dancing a traditional...

Tie Dye... Chinese Style
My tie dye before the dying part. All of our awesome tie dyed scarves. My scarf is the one that looks like the clouds on Jupiter. It’s...