
Gao Kao Before the Real Gao Kao
Twenty-nine Americans in China trying to do King Fu. Yes, I know it’s a little funny and a little awkward. Part two of our Kung Fu...

Cultural Excursion to 黄龙溪 (Huáng Lóng Xī)
The Entrance to 黄龙溪 These guys were cooking noodles. The guy in the left would throw the noodles into the water, and the guy in the right...

Floral Patterns and Lotus Blossoms
Here are some beautiful lotus blossoms we saw. This is a picture of a lotus flower I was given as a gift and all the other floral...

Today I Met “Devil”
Here’s a picture of Chandler, another awesome NSLI-Yian, and I at the track. If your wondering why I look so red in the face, it’s...

Getting in the Grove
First home-cooked Chinese meal: a fish swimming in soy sauce, chicken stir-fry, and one of my favorites, eggs cooked with tomatoes. Above...

Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes
Above is my pretty stellar panda with a pretty stellar background. Today, I felt a like all eyes were on me. On my way to class, I could...

Be Our Guest!
Heading to Chengdu from Beijing at last. Don’t let the Shanghai newspaper fool you. A warm welcome from The Experimental School of...
Heading to Chengdu?
Today we’re heading to Chengdu, or so I thought. In the morning, we had another delicious breakfast and more orientating. For lunch we...

我们在长城走路了 (We Walked on the Great Wall of China)
Big group photo with all the NSLI-Y scholars heading to Chengdu, China and the Chinese AFS staff. Me at the Great Wall part one. Me at...