再见美国! See You Later America!

Heading to Beijing from Newark, NJ in a plane holding over 200 people.

Up, up, and away! Goodbye America, and hello China.
Another 5:00 am wake up call to head to the airport bright and early. All twenty nine of the NSLI-Y scholars heading to Chengdu, including me, piled onto a large charter bus at 6:15 am to head to EWR in Newark, New Jersey. We waved goodbye to the AFS staff and NSLI-Y alumni who have helped us and will continue to help us along the way. Upon arriving at the airport we checked our bags and went through security with minimal issues. Just as a friendly suggestion, don't go over the 50 pound weight limit on an international flight because apparently the overweight baggage fee was $200 dollars for United Airlines. I didn't go over the weight limit, but someone in our group did.
On a more positive note, I happily received a window seat in the economy plus section of the plane. I can't wait to see China from up in air with all the people and places. I wonder if the Great Wall will be visible... Currently we're passing through Scandinavia and heading towards Russia before landing in Beijing. Only seven more hours and over 3,000 miles to go. Woo hoo!