Taiwanese YouTubers (Part 3) • 台灣YouTubers(第三集)
Updated: Jul 3, 2021

Hello, my name is Halden Levin, and you are listening to Little Dragon’s Journey. 你好!我叫李靜辰,你正在聽小龍的旅程。
Transition Music(音樂)
There are a lot of foreigners who live in Taiwan and produce YouTube videos in Chinese about Taiwan, Taiwanese culture, and also cultural differences between their country of origin and Taiwan. I’m currently subscribed to eight different channels of this sort. I don’t watch every single video released on these channels, but I love being able to have access to videos from various YouTubers, from various countries, and with various perspectives.
In no particular order, these channels include I’m Jonas, Ku’s dream酷的夢, lifeintaiwan, the劉沛, TommyTommy Japan, 莫彩曦Hailey, and 韓勾ㄟ金針菇 찐쩐꾸. Here’s a little bit more about each channel based on the region of the world each YouTuber comes from:
I’m Jonas is a channel created by a Swedish man named Jonas; the reason he lives in Taiwan is that his wife, Charlie, is Taiwanese. His videos are mainly about his life in Taiwan, and he also has some videos regarding cultural differences between Sweden and Taiwan.
Description (found under the "About" section on Jonas' YouTube channel): 大家好! 我是Jonas! 我是一個瑞典的Youtuber! 我常常拍我在台灣生活的影片. 謝謝你們看我的影片! (Hello! My name is Jonas! I come from Sweden, but I live in Taiwan. I like to make videos about my life in Taiwan and different things that interest me!)
Tabs: In addition to popular videos and recent uploads, Jonas has three other tabs, including Jonas + Helene (videos where Jonas does stuff with his friend Helene from Uganda), Videos about Covid-19, and Jonas & Charlie Sings together!
Language: Most videos are in English; some are in Chinese or Swedish. There are also subtitles in English and Chinese.
Recommended: One of Jonas’ videos that I really like is the video about how he and Charlie got into a relationship. They’re a very cute couple, and I know he has a number of other videos about how he met Charlie and about announcing their marriage. Just a nice feel good sort of video.
Ku’s dream酷的夢 is a channel created by a French guy named Ku (I’m not sure if that’s his actual name, but that’s what he goes by). Like Jonas, his videos are about living in Taiwan and cultural differences between France and Taiwan. He also is obsessed with taro, which is a root vegetable that I’ve heard is kind of like sweet potatoes and is popular in Africa, Oceania, and South Asia. In one video I recently watched, he returned to Taiwan after being in France for a short while, and when quarantining in Taiwan, he decided to only eat foods with taro in them for the second week of his two weeks of quarantine. Also, he has a girlfriend, who also has a YouTube channel.
Description: 大家好 我是從法國來的酷!(Hi guys, I'm Ku from France!)
Tabs: In addition to recent uploads and popular videos, Ku also has four other tabs, including 從中來台的法國女孩 (French Girl Coming to Taiwan from China; videos about a French girl’s experience traveling from China to Taiwan),荷蘭人又來了 (Dutch Guy Comes Again; videos about Ku’s Dutch friend’s experience in Taiwan),法國男孩的超台行程 (French Guy’s Super Taiwanese Travel Itinerary; videos about a French guy’s experience in Taiwan),and 法國媽媽 (French Mom; videos about Ku’s mom and her experiences in Taiwan and with Taiwanese culture). He has even more playlists you can check out too.
Language: His videos have both Chinese and English subtitles, and most of his videos are in Chinese and/or French (sometimes English, but not often).
Recommended: I certainly haven’t watched all of his videos, but one of my favorite series he did was in collaboration with Allan, who is the creator of lifeintaiwan, another Youtube channel I’ll talk a little bit more about in just a moment. Allan, although having lived in Taiwan for over twelve years, had yet to experience some unique foods and activities in Taiwan, so Ku took it upon himself to make Allan a real Taiwanese man. This series is mostly in English because Allan, despite living in Taiwan for a pretty long time, doesn’t speak Chinese very much.
lifeintaiwan is a YouTube channel created by an Englishman named Allan with videos about his life in Taiwan, as well as cultural differences between Taiwan and England. He’s lived in Taiwan for over twelve years and worked as an English teacher until recently, when he decided to focus on YouTube full-time.
Description: Welcome to my Vlog on life in Taiwan.... A project I started to share my life as an Englishman living thousands of miles from home in a country known as The Heart of Asia!
Tabs: In addition to recent uploads and popular videos, Allan has one other tab, being Food Videos.
Language: Pretty much all of his videos are in English; having lived in Taiwan for so long, I thought his Chinese would be pretty good, but he honestly appears to mainly communicate in English and doesn’t have a lot of confidence in his Chinese language abilities. I guess it goes to show you that you can live in another country and not learn the language if you don’t really try. Subtitles are in Chinese and English.
Recommended: Check out the series I recommend above, which was a collaboration between Ku and Allan where Ku challenged Allan to really experience Taiwanese culture in a way he never had before.
United States
the劉沛 is a YouTube channel created by Pierre. He shares vlogs, tech reviews, travel videos, and videos related to Pokemon Go! I’ve been most interested in his vlogs and collaboration videos with other YouTubers.
Description: What's up 沛隊! 我是 the劉沛, PIERRE! 我這個頻道有生活Vlogs, Reviews, 旅遊, Pokemon Go! 借我十分鐘, 我讓你一直微笑。如果喜歡我的影片, 請訂閱我!What’s up Team guys! I am theLiuPei, PIERRE! On this channel, I have vlogs, tech reviews, travel, and Pokemon Go! Give me 10 minutes of your time, I’ll make you smile. Subscribe for new videos every week. *translation provided by Pierre under the "About" section on his channel.
Tabs: In addition to popular videos and recent uploads, there are eight tabs, being 劉沛玩台灣!(Pierre Explores Taiwan!),婚禮系列Wedding (Wedding Series; videos about his marriage to Meagan),YouTuber一起出國 (YouTubers Go Abroad Together),遊沛澎湖 (Traveling in Penghu; videos about his most recent trip to Penghu county/islands in Taiwan),旅遊 (Travel),ENGLISH Videos,寶可夢Go第五季(第五代)(Season 5 of Pokémon Go!),and 寶可夢 (Pokémon videos).
Language: Most of his videos are in Chinese; some are in English, and there are Chinese subtitles available when he speaks English. I believe some of his videos also offer Chinese and English subtitles, as well as auto-generated subtitles in a variety of languages. There is a bit of variation.
Recommended: If you’re in need of some more feel-good content, check out the Wedding Series. You can follow Pierre and Meagan’s journey from proposal to wedding day and thoughts after. A lot of the wedding video content is in English, since their wedding was in America. I also love 互酷沛米(Who Could Pay Me), which is a playlist of videos featuring Hook, Ku, and Tommy from TommyTommy Japan (I’ll talk about him in a bit). Some of the videos are of them playing games together and a good chunk are videos of challenges testing their knowledge of Taiwanese culture. As a plus, there are English subtitles available for all videos in the Who Could Pay Me series.
莫彩曦Hailey is a YouTube channel created by Hailey, an American from Colorado, and is mainly about her life in Taiwan and America with her husband Adam (and of course cultural differences). Her videos are mostly in Chinese, some in English, and there are both English and Chinese subtitles available.
Description: 哈囉!我們喜歡把生活的一些美好時刻分享給大家看,歡迎來加入我們的大家庭喔!Keep in touch ❤️ (Hello! We like to share beautiful moments from our life. Welcome to our family! Keep in touch.)
Tabs: There are three main tabs, in addition to popular videos and recent uploads, being 台灣生活VLOG (Taiwan Life VLOG),美國生活VLOG (American Life VLOG),and 台美文化區別 (Taiwanese & American Cultural Differences).
Recommended: I’ve watched a lot of Hailey’s videos because I think it’s so interesting to learn about cultural differences between America and Taiwan. Those types of videos comprise a big chunk of her content. There are videos where Hailey compares fast food chains in America with their counterparts in Taiwan, including McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, and Starbucks. There are videos where her family members try Taiwanese snacks and foods, including moon cakes, Taiwanese fruits, Taiwanese drinks, and more. She also has published a number of videos about the COVID situation in America and about returning to Taiwan during the pandemic. I think the two main reasons why I really like her videos is that they are (1) in Chinese and (2) are relatable (since I am also American).
TommyTommy Japan is a YouTube channel created by Japanese man named Tommy. His videos are mostly food related and/or about Japanese and Taiwanese culture and differences between the two.
Description: 大家好! 我是從日本來的大高人Tommy!Love eating, travel, fashion, language etc... 歡迎來訂閱我的頻道還有歡迎當我的小矮人喔!!(Tommy的粉絲名) (Hello everyone! I am Tommy, a tall man from Japan! I love eating, travel, fashion, language, etc. You are welcome to subscribe and become one of my fans!!)
Tabs: In addition to popular videos and recent uploads, Tommy has six other tabs, including Tommy&Tommy親哥 (Tommy & Tommy’s Brother),互酷沛米 (Who Could Pay Me; series on Taiwanese culture in collaboration with Hook, Ku, and Pierre),Tommy Vlog,哥哥培養日記 (Brother’s Training Diary; more videos with Tommy’s brother),日本女性系列 (Japanese Girl Series; series on a Japanese woman’s experience trying Taiwanese food),and 全台最便宜吃到飽系列 (Cheapest Buffets in Taiwan).
Language: Most of his videos are in Chinese; some are in Japanese, especially when he is with his family. There are also Chinese subtitles.
Recommended: My favorite series he did is 互酷沛米 (Who Could Pay Me) , which was a collaboration with Hook, Ku, and Pierre where they mostly related to Taiwanese culture and cultural differences. This series is how I first found out about these four different YouTubers in Taiwan. In the first video, Ku, Pierre, and Tommy talk about things they like better about Taiwan than in their country of origin. The second and third are about things Ku, Pierre, and Tommy felt were weird about Taiwan and about things they thought were pretty cool when they came to Taiwan for the first time. There are more videos, and I would recommend checking them out if you know Chinese.
韓勾ㄟ金針菇 찐쩐꾸 is a YouTube channel created by a Korean woman named 찐쩐꾸. Her content mainly includes videos about Taiwanese and Korean food, her life in Taiwan, and differences between Taiwanese and Korean culture.
Description: 大家好!我是住在台灣的韓勾郎,金針菇🍄曾經在台灣留學, 現在是台灣的新住民!非常熱愛台灣,愛吃東西(宵夜),愛旅遊!請多多指教唷唷!(Hello everyone! I am 韓勾郎, 金針菇, an individual who previously studied abroad in Taiwan and is now a new Taiwanese resident! I love Taiwan, eating food (midnight snacks), and traveling! Please enlighten me!)
Tabs: In addition to uploads and popular uploads, she has five other tabs, including 韓國阿嬤系列 (Korean Grandma Series; series on Korean grandma’s experience in Taiwan),金針菇的ASMR吃播 (Enoki Mushroom’s ASMR Videos),台風系列 (Taiwanese Wind Series; series on popular Taiwanese culture to Koreans),台韓交換系列 (Taiwanese and Korean Cultural Exchange Series),and 韓國金的台灣生活 (My Life in Taiwan; videos on her life in Taiwan).
Language: Her videos are primarily in Chinese; some are in Korean, and there are Chinese and Korean subtitles.
Recommended: Once again, I’m very much into the collaboration videos between multiple YouTubers, like this Christmas gift exchange between a ton of different YouTubers. As a practicing Lutheran, I think it’s so interesting to see how people who aren’t Christian celebrate Christmas or enjoy the holiday season. I love the feeling of the holiday spirit during December, and I feel like everyone should be able to enjoy the feeling no matter their religious affiliation or what. She has a lot of other cool collaboration videos. Another one of my favorites is the video she did in collaboration with two other Koreans living in Taiwan where they challenged each other to see who most understands Taiwan.
So that concludes my three-part series on Taiwanese YouTubers (or YouTubers living in Taiwan). Before this academic year, I had never really explored many YouTube channels created by individuals living outside of the United States. There is so much good content I was missing out on for years, and I was also missing out on the opportunity to improve my Chinese listening skills through interesting real life content. Whether you're a Chinese language learner or just curious about Taiwanese culture, I hope you will take it upon yourself to explore one or a few or all of these YouTube channels.
More news on popular YouTube videos and channels in Taiwan…
NoxInfluencer reveals top 10 YouTubers in Taiwan(Taiwan News)
YouTube reveals most viewed videos in Taiwan for 2020(Taiwan News)
YouTube 公布台灣 2020 年度影片排行榜(台灣 - 官方部落格)
*Articles in Chinese can be easily translated with Google Translate. Google Translate actually works pretty well in this case.
Transition Music(音樂)
Please visit haldenlevin.wixsite.com/littledragonjourney to access the transcript of this episode, and know you are always welcome to contact me through my website, email, or social media. Thank you for joining Little Dragon’s Journey. 謝謝你們參加小龍的旅程。拜拜!