
Taiwanese YouTubers (Part 3) • 台灣YouTubers(第三集)
Hello, my name is Halden Levin, and you are listening to Little Dragon’s Journey. 你好!我叫李靜辰,你正在聽小龍的旅程。 Transition Music(音樂) There are a...

Black Bean Brownies to Quarantine Cuisine • 從黑豆布朗尼到隔離餐
Hello, my name is Halden Levin, and you are listening to Little Dragon’s Journey. 你好!我叫李靜辰,你正在聽小龍的旅程。 Transition Music(音樂) At this point,...

January into February: Floating, Flying • 從1月到2月:飛到了台灣
Hello, my name is Halden Levin, and you are listening to Little Dragon’s Journey. 你好!我叫李靜辰,你正在聽小龍的旅程。 Transition Music(音樂) Dear Reader,...
And a Sudden Turn of Events...
So, remember when I said our travel to Taiwan was delayed a few days ago. Now, things have changed. We are going to Taiwan at the...

Usual Heart • 平常心
Hello, my name is Halden Levin, and you are listening to Little Dragon’s Journey. 你好!我叫李靜辰,你正在聽小龍的旅程。 Transition Music(音樂) As I mentioned...

Nineteen: Matcha Ice Cream w/ Grilled Cake Baked • 19歲:綠茶冰淇淋配獨特的蛋糕
Hello, my name is Halden Levin, and you are listening to Little Dragon’s Journey. 你好!我叫李靜辰,你正在聽小龍的旅程。 Transition Music(音樂) Yesterday, I...

1 Second a Day, 365 Days of Sudoku, 1,000 Paper Cranes • 每天1秒,數獨365天,1,000隻紙鶴
Hello, my name is Halden Levin, and you are listening to Little Dragon’s Journey. 你好!我叫李靜辰,你正在聽小龍的旅程。 Transition Music(音樂) Happy New...

Taiwanese YouTubers (Part 2) • 台灣YouTubers(第二集)
Hello, my name is Halden Levin, and you are listening to Little Dragon’s Journey. 你好!我叫李靜辰,你正在聽小龍的旅程。 Transition Music(音樂) As promised,...

Zen Journey Through Email • 禅宗旅程
Hello, my name is Halden Levin, and you are listening to Little Dragon’s Journey. 你好!我叫李靜辰,你正在聽小龍的旅程。 Transition Music(音樂) Beginning at...

Hot Pot & Fondue • 火鍋和瑞士火鍋
Hello, my name is Halden Levin, and you are listening to Little Dragon’s Journey. 你好!我叫李靜辰,你正在聽小龍的旅程。 Transition Music(音樂) Every year, on...